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CDC Announces Fully Vaccinated People May Gather without Masks or Distancing

A: On Monday, March 8, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that those who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 may gather indoors with other individuals who are “fully vaccinated” without wearing masks or using physical distancing. The agency’s interim public health recommendations also state that persons who are fully vaccinated may visit indoors with unvaccinated people from a single other household who are at low risk for severe disease.

A: The updated guidelines further clarify that fully vaccinated individuals no longer need to quarantine or test for COVID-19 if they’ve been exposed, unless they are showing signs of symptoms.

A: Officials say an individual is considered “fully vaccinated” two weeks after receiving the last required dose of vaccine.

A: Importantly, the CDC recommends that vaccinated people continue to wear a mask and social distance in public settings, while also avoiding medium and large sized in-person gatherings.

A: At this time, the agency has not released updated travel guidelines for those who have been vaccinated.

A: The latest announcement issued by the CDC is introduced in an effort to clear up confusion, as some states have begun to roll back coronavirus safety measures despite warnings from health experts.